engineering btech jntu anantapur computerscience

Software Testing, B.Tech III-Year I-Sem (CSE) R15, JNTU-Anantapur, Latest 2021 Edition

Software Testing, B.Tech III-Year I-Sem (CSE) R15, JNTU-Anantapur, Latest 2021 Edition



Introduction: Purpose of Testing, Dichotomies, Model for Testing, Consequences of Bugs, Taxonomy of Bugs.
Flow Graphs and Path Testing: Basic Concepts of Path Testing, Predicates, Path Predicates and Achievable Paths, Path Sensitizing, Path Instrumentation, Application of Path Testing.


Transaction Flow Testing: Transaction Flows, Transaction Flow Testing Techniques.
Dataflow Testing: Basics of Dataflow Testing, Strategies in Dataflow Testing, Application of Dataflow Testing.


Domain Testing: Domains and Paths, Nice and Ugly Domains, Domain Testing, Domains and Interfaces Testing, Domains and Testability.


Paths, Path Products and Regular Expressions: Path Products and Path Expression, Reduction Procedure, Applications, Regular Expressions and Flow Anomaly Detection. Logic Based Testing: Overview, Decision Tables, Path Expressions, KV Charts, Specifications.


State, State Graphs and Transition Testing: State Graphs, Good and Bad State Graphs, State Testing, Testability Tips. Graph Matrices and Application: Motivational Overview, Matrix of Graph, Relations, Power of a Matrix, Node Reduction Algorithm, Building Tools.

engineering btech jntu anantapur computerscience

Principles of Programming Languages, B.Tech III-Year I-Sem (CSE) R15, JNTU-Anantapur, Latest 2021 Edition

Principles of Programming Languages, B.Tech III-Year I-Sem (CSE) R15, JNTU-Anantapur, Latest 2021 Edition



Introduction: Software Development Process, Language and Software Development Environments, Language and Software Design Models, Language and Computer Architecture, Programming Language Qualities, A Brief Historical Perspective.
Syntax and Semantics: Language Definition, Language Processing, Variables, Routines, Aliasing and Overloading, Run-time Structure.


Structuring the Data: Built-in Types and Primitive Types, Data Aggregates and Type Constructors, Userdefined Types and Abstract Data Types, Type Systems, The Type Structure of Representative Languages, Implementation Models.


Structuring the Computation: Expressions and Statements, Conditional Execution and Iteration, Routines, Exceptions, Pattern Matching, Nondeterminism and Backtracking, Evbent-driven Computations, Concurrent Computations.
Structuring the Program: Software Design Methods, Concepts in Support of Modularity, Language Features for Programming in the Large, Generic Units.


Object-Oriented Languages: Concepts of Object-oriented Programming, Inheritances and the Type System, Object-oriented Features in Programming Languages.


Functional Programming Languages: Characteristics of Imperative Languages, Mathematical and Programming Functions, Principles of Functional Programming, Representative Functional Languages, Functional Programming in C++.
Logic and Rule-based Languages: “What” Versus “How”: Specification Versus Implementation, Principles of Logic Programming, PROLOG, Functional Programming Versus Logic Programming, Rule-based Languages.

engineering btech jntu anantapur computerscience

Operating Systems, B.Tech III-Year I-Sem (CSE) R15, JNTU-Anantapur, Latest 2021 Edition

Operating Systems, B.Tech III-Year I-Sem (CSE) R15, JNTU-Anantapur, Latest 2021 Edition



Operating Systems Overview: Operating System Functions, Operating System Structure, Operating Systems Operations, Protection and Security, Computing Environments, Open-Source Operating Systems. System Structures: Operating System Services, User and Operating System Interface, Systems Calls, Types of System Calls, System Programs, Operating System Structure, Operating System Debugging, System Boot. Processes: Process Concept, Process Scheduling, Operations on Processes, Inter Process Communication, Examples of IPC Systems.


Threads: Overview, Multicore Programming, Multithreading Models, Thread Libraries, Implicit Threading, Threading Issues. Process Synchronization: The Critical-section Problem, Peterson’s Solution, Synchronization Hardware, Mutex Locks, Semaphores, Classic Problems of Synchronization, Monitors, Synchronization Examples, Alternative Approaches. CPU Scheduling: Scheduling Criteria, Scheduling Algorithms, Thread Scheduling, Multiple Processor Scheduling, Real-time CPU Scheduling, Algorithm Evaluation.


Memory Management: Swapping, Contiguous Memory Allocation, Segmentation, Paging, Structure of the page table. Virtual Memory: Demand Paging, Page-replacement, Allocations of Frames, Thrashing, Memory-mapped Files, Allocating Kernel Memory. Deadlocks: System Model, Deadlock Characterization, Methods of Handling Deadlocks, Deadlock Prevention, Detection and Avoidance, Recovery from Deadlock.


Mass-Storage Structure: Overview of Mass-storage Structure, Disk Structure, Disk attachment, Disk Scheduling, Swap-space Management, RAID Structure, Stable-storage Implementation. File System Interface: The Concept of a File, Access Methods, Directory and Disk Structure, File System Mounting, File Sharing, Protection. File System Implementation: File System Structure, File System Implementation, Directory Implementation, Allocation Methods, Free Space Management.


I/O Systems: I/O Hardware, Application I/O Interface, Kernel I/O Subsystem, Transforming I/O requests to Hardware Operations. Protection: Goals of Protection, Principles of Protection, Domain of Protection, Access Matrix, Implementation of Access Matrix, Access Control, Revocation of Access Rights, Capability-based Systems, Language-based Protection. Security: The Security problem, Program Threats, System and Network threats, Cryptography as a Security tool, User Authentication, Implementing Security Defenses, Firewalling to protect Systems and networks, Computer Security Classifications.

engineering btech jntu anantapur computerscience

Object Oriented Analysis and Design, B.Tech III-Year I-Sem (CSE & IT) R15, JNTU-Anantapur, Latest 2021 Edition

Object Oriented Analysis and Design, B.Tech III-Year I-Sem (CSE & IT) R15, JNTU-Anantapur, Latest 2021 Edition



Introduction: The Structure of Complex Systems, The Inherent Complexity of Software, Attributes of Complex System, Organized and Disorganized Complexity, Bringing Order to Choas, Designing Complex Systems, Evolution of Object Model, Foundation of Object Model, Elements of Object Model, Applying the Object Model.


Classes and Objects: Nature of Object, Relationships Among Objects, Nature of a Class, Relationship Among Classes, Interplay of Classes and Objects. Importance of Proper Classification, Identifying Classes and Objects, Key Abstractions and Mechanisms.


Introduction to UML: Why Model, Conceptual Model of UML, Architecture, Classes, Relationships, Common Mechanisms, Class Diagrams, Object Diagrams.


Structural Modeling: Package Diagram, Composite Structure Diagram, Component Diagram, Deployment Diagram, Profile Diagram.


Behavioral Modeling: Use Case Diagram, Activity Diagrams, State Machine Diagrams, Sequence Diagram, Communication Diagram, Timing Diagram, Interaction Overview Diagram.

engineering btech jntu anantapur computerscience

Introduction to Big Data, B.Tech III-Year I-Sem (CSE & IT) R15, JNTU-Anantapur, Latest 2021 Edition

Introduction to Big Data, B.Tech III-Year I-Sem (CSE & IT) R15, JNTU-Anantapur, Latest 2021 Edition



Distributed Programming Using Java: Quick Recap and Advanced Java Programming: Generics, Threads, Sockets, Simple Client Server Programming Using JAVA, Difficulties in Developing Distributed Programs for Large Scale Clusters and Introduction to Cloud Computing.


Distributed File Systems Leading to Hadoop File System: Introduction, Using HDFS, Hadoop Architecture, Internals of Hadoop File Systems.


Map-Reduce Programming: Developing Distributed Programs and Issues, Why Map-Reduce and Conceptual Understanding of Map-Reduce Programming, Developing Map-Reduce Programs in Java, Setting Up the Cluster with HDFS and Understanding How Map-Reduce Works on HDFS, Running Simple Word Count Map-Reduce Program on the Cluster, Additional Examples of M-R Programming.


Anatomy of Map-Reduce Jobs: Understanding How Map-Reduce Program Works, Tuning MapReduce Jobs, Understanding Different Logs Produced by Map-Reduce Jobs and Debugging the MapReduce Jobs.


Case Studies of Big Data Analytics Using MapReduce Programming: K-Means Clustering, Using Big Data Analytics Libraries Using Mahout.

engineering btech jntu anantapur computerscience

Computer Networks, B.Tech III-Year I-Sem (CSE & IT) R15, JNTU-Anantapur, Latest 2021 Edition

Computer Networks, B.Tech III-Year I-Sem (CSE & IT) R15, JNTU-Anantapur, Latest 2021 Edition



Introduction: Networks, Network Types, Internet History, Standards and Administration, Network Models: Protocol Layering, TCP/IP Protocol Suite, The ISO Model. The Physical Layer: Data and Signals, Transmission Impairment, Data Rate Limits, Performance, Transmission Media: Introduction, Guided Media, Unguided Media, Switching: Introduction, Circuit Switched Networks, Packet Switching.


The Data Link Layer: Introduction, Link Layer Addressing, Error Detection and Correction: Cyclic Codes, Checksum, Forward Error Correction, Data Link Control: DLC Services, Data Link Layer Protocols, HDLC, Point to Point Protocol, Media Access Control: Random Access, Controlled Access, Channelization, Connecting Devices and Virtual LANs: Connecting Devices.


The Network Layer: Network Layer Design Issues, Routing Algorithms, Congestion Control Algorithms, Quality of Service, Internetworking, The Network Layer in the Internet: IPv4 Addresses, IPv6, Internet Control Protocol, OSPF, BGP, IP, ICMPv4, IGMP.


The Transport Layer: The Transport Service, Elements of Transport Protocols, Congestion Control, The Internet Transport Protocols: UDP, TCP, Performance Problems in Computer Networks, Network Performance Measurement.


The Application Layer: Introduction, Client Server Programming, WWW and HTTP, FTP, E-mail, TELNET, Secure Shell, Domain Name System, SNMP.

engineering btech jntu anantapur computerscience

B.Tech III-Year I-Sem (CSE) JNTU-(Anantapur), ALL-IN-ONE Journal, Low Price 2019 Edition

B.Tech III-Year I-Sem (CSE) JNTU-(Anantapur), ALL-IN-ONE Journal, Low Price 2019 Edition


1. Operating Systems
2. Computer Networks
3. Object Oriented Analysis & Design
4. Principles of Programming Languages
5. Software Testing.